APPLICATION NO: 6.147.320.FUL 19/00031/FUL
PROPOSAL: Erection of first-floor extension; erection of single-storey extension; conversion of garage to provide additional living accommodation.
LOCATION: 5 The Pines Huby LS17 0HA
GRID REF: E 427329 N 447430
APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs J Pittard
Harrogate Council
Decision Notification
APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-
- The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 21.02.2022.
- The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following submitted drawings.
- Proposed Ground Floor Plan: Drawing No. PL20 Revision A, received 4 January 2019.
- Proposed First Floor Plan: Drawing No. PL21 Revision A, received 4 January 2019.
- Proposed Front and East Side Elevation: Drawing No. PL25 Revision A, received 4 January 2019.
- Proposed Rear and West Side Elevation: Drawing No. PL26 Revision A, received 4 January 2019.
- Site Plan: Drawing No. PL05, received 4 January 2019.
- Location Plan: Drawing No. PL01, received 4 January 2019.
- The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing building.